Let’s tell breast cancer to step aside
Best time to examine breasts is when they are not tender or swollen such as few days after your period ends.
It is advisable to do mammography soon after your menstrual cycle to minimize the discomfort that may occur.
In young women, who have symptoms (pain/lump) related to the breast, ultrasound is the first imaging to be performed.
MRI is a diagnostic procedure that uses a magnetic field to provide three-dimensional images of internal body structures.
Occasionally, you may receive a mammogram result stating that the breasts are dense. What does this term mean and imply?
If there is an abnormality on imaging that needs further clarification, your radiologist, in consultation with your doctor,
Breast Imaging Society, India was founded by a group of dedicated breast radiologists in 2013 with the idea to improvise and standardize breast imaging in India.
Breast Imaging Society, C/O Col Pant’s Imaging Centre, N-36 Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi-110048
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